The Unique & Priceless Word

“With my whole heart I seek you, [God]; let me not wander from your commandments! I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you” (Psalm 119:10–11).

It seems that most Christians already believe the Bible is the word of God. They understand that God has revealed Himself through human means in the form of this written word. This sets the Bible in a unique category, to be sure, but it also seems that many of those same Christians who think so highly of the Bible also treasure it very little.

The psalmist’s prayer exposes a common laziness among Christians in America today. The psalmist seeks God “with his whole heart” and “stores up God’s word in his heart.” Such religious devotion is foreign to most modern Western Christians, and it is often viewed as legalistic. And yet, this reverent commitment is the basic approach to godly growth throughout the Bible and Church history.

Those exemplary believers in the Bible and those spiritual giants of history all had a deep appreciation for God’s word, and they showed it by their devotion to it. Christians today would do well to follow the model set before us. The Bible is truly God’s word, and as such, it deserves our utmost attention and effort.

May God give us a hunger for His word, and may we be deeply satisfied by the bounty.

Author: marcminter

Marc Minter is the Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church of Diana, TX. He and his wife, Cassie, have two sons, Micah and Malachi.

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